This is my story and how it worked for me.
If YOU are in doubt,
PLEASE visit your Doctor before embarking on any eating/exercise plan
This was me in 2012...
No wonder I look so frightened!
But like most "overweight" people, I denied the fact...
Until I saw this picture.
I might have been smiling but I was NOT happy.
"Inside every fat person, is a thin one trying to get out"?
The fat person has eaten the thin one.
And our modern lifestyle is to blame.
No time to cook(properly) or to exercise.
In my case, specifically the latter.
In my case, specifically the latter.
And one of the biggest culprits?
Empty carbs.
Sandwiches were my default food choice

Sandwiches were my default food choice

I had a good laugh when people queued for hours
to get a burger at Burger franchise when it recently opened in Johannesburg.
Rubbish on a bun, but the lemmings queued...and were eventually rewarded,
with cholesterol under tomato and lettuce...and cheese and bacon!

So what got me from fat and lazy to fit and "fabulous"?
Bloody hard work.
Why did I do it?
After my annual medical in November 2013, some unwanted anomalies showed up.
Specifically with sugar levels that made both my wife (a Dr), my mom-in-law ( also a Dr.)
and my physician concerned.
Over the years I have lost and gained weight
due to my "all-or-nothing" type diet/exercise regimes.
However, now that I am 61, with less years ahead of me than behind,
any changes need to be permanent.
any changes need to be permanent.
So how did I do it?
I decided that I had to commit totally or not at all.
I know that past experience has taught me that 21 days is required
to set a habit, good or bad.
If you slip on any day, you go back to Day 1.
Not unlike any 12-step program.
And eating, especially bad eating habits are an addiction.
My biggest problem was and still is chocolate.
I had been "clean" for 17 years and then in 2007 went off to work overseas
where I "fell of the chocolate wagon."
It took me almost 2 years to get back to being clean...
In December, 2013,I approached a nutritionist for a proper eating plan.
One that would allow me to "cheat" if necessary,
but at the same time it would give me measurable goals.
I used Jade Campbell from Nutritional Solutions
We had met on a TV shoot that features weight loss and diabetes.
I think not!
The eating plan was relatively simple:
No sugar. This was a problem for me as I like sugar on my cereal.
But I learned that many cereals contain sugar, so no extra is required.
No carbs at night. This can also be difficult...especially if you like potatoes,
however smaller portions can accommodate that craving.

however smaller portions can accommodate that craving.

Cut out most red meat. Try Venison or Ostrich
Lots of vegetables...ALL COLOURS
Lots of fish and chicken.
And I had to keep a logbook of what I ate.
The truth can hurt...
The first 21 days are always the worst as your mind and body adjusts.
But persevere...the results are REALLY worth it.
A tip: Use your side plate for your main meal and you dinner plate for salad and veg.

A tip: Use your side plate for your main meal and you dinner plate for salad and veg.
My commitment was first tested when I was on a week long TV shoot.
Eating catered meals on set and guest house food...
and the result?
NO weight gain AND I lost some body fat...so it can be done.
I was able to run most of the week and that helped!
It did mean eating carefully as there was red meat with every meal.
I limited my red meat portions to small quantities.
There was chicken on offer as well as pasta,
which allowed me some choice

I was able to run most of the week and that helped!
It did mean eating carefully as there was red meat with every meal.
I limited my red meat portions to small quantities.
There was chicken on offer as well as pasta,
which allowed me some choice

Another test came in June, 2014 when my wife and I went on an 11 day cruise.
Traditionally people gain at least 4kg on a cruise of this length.
I intended to maintain the weight I was when I got on board ship
And I did! I trained every day
and came back at the same weight I was on departure.
And I did! I trained every day
and came back at the same weight I was on departure.
This is me on 28/03/2014
Changing your eating habits might not give you the weight loss that you require.
But add in exercise, and that changes.
I KNOW that men and women lose weight at different rates.
In my case running has always helped.
As not everyone likes to run,any form of cardio exercise can benefit
I started slowly...a few km's of running and walking at a time.
I am now running in excess of 5km a day, with a longer run midweek (10km+)
On the weekend, I try to do 15-20km.
On the weekend, I try to do 15-20km.
Gym has become a friend.
I do at least three sessions a week.
I tend to use the machines as I am not looking to build muscle.
I tend to use the machines as I am not looking to build muscle.
In total about an hour, which I like to do in the early morning.
The gym training will now focus on core to help with the running.

I have also added super circuit, only the upper body machines,
and tummy exercises three times a week
as I build towards my Kilimanjaro Challenge in October 2014.

On 10/10/2014,
I successfully stood at the top of Kilimanjaro for the second time.
A year ago, I would not have believed this to be possible.
I have already been asked if I will return for a third time...
Anything is POSSIBLE!

The gym training will now focus on core to help with the running.

I have also added super circuit, only the upper body machines,
and tummy exercises three times a week
as I build towards my Kilimanjaro Challenge in October 2014.
On 10/10/2014,
I successfully stood at the top of Kilimanjaro for the second time.
A year ago, I would not have believed this to be possible.
I have already been asked if I will return for a third time...
Anything is POSSIBLE!
I am currently on a maintenance eating plan that allows me extra portions.
But I am sticking to the original plan...with some tweaks.
More importantly, it is NOT about deprivation...that leads to binge eating.
If I want a slice of cheesecake, I will indulge.
There is a trade off...I might give up a carb or two.
It is all about moderation...in all things
Your body will tell you if it needs a rest day. LISTEN!
Limit the rest days...otherwise old habits emerge very quickly!
Your body will tell you if it needs a rest day. LISTEN!
Limit the rest days...otherwise old habits emerge very quickly!

The image on the left was taken in December 2013,
the picture on the right is from October 2014!
I have been on several trips during the course of 2014,
and on each occasion have come home without gaining any weight.
I do try to train while I am away,
and I now packing my running kit first.

The weight loss has also improved my self confidence.
And has a result I have returned to doing stand-up comedy,
in front of a paying audience and not as a TV warm up artist.

So from fat to fab?
the picture on the right is from October 2014!
I have been on several trips during the course of 2014,
and on each occasion have come home without gaining any weight.
I do try to train while I am away,
and I now packing my running kit first.

The weight loss has also improved my self confidence.
And has a result I have returned to doing stand-up comedy,
in front of a paying audience and not as a TV warm up artist.

So from fat to fab?
My wife thinks so...and so does my daughter.
And their opinions count!
I cannot wait to see the look on my physician's face at our next appointment
This is for the rest of my life
For those who like stats, here are mine:
Start weight: 97,5kg. Current weight: 79,6kg. ( I would like to get to 77kg)
This "goal post" has been moved, by me, more than once.
This "goal post" has been moved, by me, more than once.
Original Body fat: 30.4%, currently: 14%. (would like this to be closer to 10%)
More importantly I have dropped from a size 42 to a 32! (HAPPY)
Blood glucose, cholesterol and Blood pressure are all now in the "excellent" category!

"Travel & Things" was a contender in this competition.
Blood glucose, cholesterol and Blood pressure are all now in the "excellent" category!

"Travel & Things" was a contender in this competition.

All images are the copyright property of
and may not be used without permission
Follow me on Twitter: @davidbatzofin
Visit my Facebook page: www.facebook.com/david.batzofin
Travel & Things has it's own Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/travelandthings
Visit my Facebook page: www.facebook.com/david.batzofin
Travel & Things has it's own Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/travelandthings
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