Once more...
Time for me to tilt at a windmill...
Or tilt a windmill, if that will help get this rant off my chest.
It used to be
Control. alt. delete
Now it is
like. comment. share.
And we do...often and sometimes without thinking about the possible consequences.

Are you, like most of our planet "addicted" to Facebook?
Is it the first page that you log on to every morning?
Or perhaps you never log off...
Why has it become such an important part of our lives?
Do we really care if someone spills coffee in their lap,
or that we must all post pictures of flowers to make things better?
More importantly, do we REALLY believe that starting any kind of petition
will change the world.
How deluded we have become...
And more importantly, if you take a step back from this "drug",
you will realise how meaningless and trite our lives have become.
If we comment, we are often chastised for the comments
and if we don't comment, the same rule applies.
"Damned if you do, and damned if you don't

This state of affairs was brought home when I recently returned
from a life changing trip.
I returned, only to be totally disillusioned by the "rubbish"
being shared via this medium.
Now, I am not saying that I was not an "addict",
I was, past tense.
And like any other addiction, the past two weeks have not been easy.
I have wanted to "like" and "share"...
And on occasion, even "comment"...
But I have refrained.
And has it affected anyone's life other than my own?
Not at all...
None of my "friends" have tried to contact me to find out if I am OK.
Nope, their flower/petition/save the (whatever) posting are far more important.
Oh, and let me not forget those unfinished/cryptic sentences, that just beg an
'"Are you OK"? question.
And that is usually never answered
And I can also add bad language.
It amazes me that the Facebook "elves" will remove naked images,
but allow rude language...

This is my message to them...
Am I still using?
Yes, but only as a publicity platform for my Blog
See what I did there?

I think this cartoon sums it all up.
What really pisses me off, is when people promote their event on my page without asking.
What ever happened to good manners?
Left at the portal...
Someone posted a picture of a lost dog on my wall once.
This resulted in several "likes"...which I questioned.
Why "like" why not "comment".
I was rudely informed, by someone I did not know,
that the "like" was because it was on my page.
Needless to say, I removed both immediately.
I DO NOT care where you had your nails done,
or if KFC has let their client base down.
And challenges, let me not forget those...
Post 3 pictures...share 5 hugs...what would you old age name be...
To quote "Gone with the wind":
"Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn"
AND I certainly do not want to read the same tired old jokes,
re-posted time after time.
Currently there are only 3 people that I believe MUST
be nominated for an award for entertaining writing.
David, Peter and Anthony, whose musing keep me from committing Facebook suicide.
Thank you gents.

If you don't read it on Facebook, then it did not happen.
Gym, Banting, visits to the hairdresser etc,
if you don't post, then none of it happened.
I used to be one of "those"...
But not anymore.
Life is too short...

My daughter has refused to "friend" me.
We tried, twice...and twice it was a failure.
She says that I am a great father, but a lousy Facebook friend.
In the beginning I was upset, but I understand now.

I will continue to read but for now, my commenting days are over.
I don't need to know how many days there are to Christmas.
Or what day of the week it is.
And for that matter I no longer need the validation of "friends".
I can be who I want to be, without having to constantly check on my online presence.

I am trying to break the chains of this "evil" that has infiltrated every aspect of our waking hours
The Devil is an IT specialist!
Some people will "like" this posting.
A few might even take the time to "comment"...
Some might recognize themselves and be offended...
But in the greater scheme of Facebook (things),
this will just be a tiny ripple in the vast pond that is social media...
I feel better now...
All images are from Google images
Follow me on Twitter: @davidbatzofin
Visit my Facebook page: www.facebook.com/david.batzofin