So what has me tilting at windmills once more?
What is getting me hot, but not under the collar?
Long pants on holiday...that's what.
Long pants, I hear you ask...
Let me explain.

Should there be a dress code in restaurants in holiday destinations?
And if so, how will it be determined?

The first item of "banned" clothing for men seems to be shorts.
I have yet to understand why shorts have attracted the ire of many hotel managers.
Women seem to be allowed to wear shorts,
despite some of them having legs more suited to being covered.
Am I being sexist? No, just truthful...
Vests are next on "the list".
The vests I can ACTUALLY understand.
I certainly don't want to be looking at some hairy armpits while I have dinner.
But why single out flip-flops?
What about sandals? Why are they "acceptable"?
Barefeet being unacceptable, yes,
but personally, I would ban Crocs rather than flip-flops.
So what then defines "long pants",
which is what male guests are asked to wear.
Can you have long shorts or short longs?

I do NOT want this next to me at dinner.
And it seems to be dinner that is the problem meal.
Breakfast and lunch are an "anything goes" dress code.
Why does that change when the sun goes down?

Is this young lady correctly attired?

Have a close look at some of the items on this list...
Why pick on Timberland Boots?
No striped Polos? WTF...
No white tee shirts? Is that a racial thing?
Why pick on white?
Why not pink or lemon yellow or puce for that matter?
If I walked into a hotel/ dining room where this was displayed,
I would certainly leave and NEVER return.
Often these "rules" are not displayed on a web site,
but are only on display in the hotel/dining room.

You decide...

White shoes should be banned outright.

Does the cost of the trouser count?
Up until now, I have seen no signs that have banned jeans.
But then again modern jeans can be VERY expensive,
and the VERY wealthy wear them...
And you DON'T want to make the rich and famous angry

Are these permissible?
And the sandals?

We are adults, allow us to make our own decisions,

Would you like her as a dinner companion?

A couple of years ago I was asked to leave a hotel restaurant in Port Elizabeth for wearing shorts to dinner.
I had not seen the sign stating that the hotel had a dinner dress code until I was stopped by the manager.
When I inquired why, I was informed that their International guests
insisted that men wear long pants to dinner.
I did ask if I could check with the handful of guests already in the dining room,
if my shorts would be offensive, but I was told that this was NOT an option,
I was given to access the buffet, meaning that I could WALK around the dining room, with my legs in full view of the guests,but I had to eat alone in the coffee shop.
Seeing I was eating alone ANYWAY, I did not really mind,
but I did feel like I had been banished from eating with the grown-ups.
All images are from Google images
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