Back on the horse again...
Never judge a book by its cover.
Or in this case, a crash by the aftermath...
I never normally stop at an accident site.
but I made an exception in this instance.
What made me deviate from my norm?
The extend of the damage to the Audi TT,in what appeared to be a single car incident.
Note the cupcake holders that were strewn about
the first part of the wreckage that I encountered.
I have never seen such utter devastation at an accident site before.
I was told by the SAPS members still on the scene,
that this had occurred just a few hours earlier.
My initial comment was;
"Too much money, too much alcohol and not much sense"
Never assume as it makes an "ass of u and me, but I did assume
and I was about to be proved wrong...
The first thing I noticed inside what was left of the cabin was this bible.
Probably the only item that was intact.
There is a song by Carrie Underwood called "Jesus take the wheel"
Perhaps this was the case here...
It was at this point I discovered that the driver was a woman...
This is what was left of the front of the Audi.
I kept wondering to myself what could have caused this total destruction.
The gearbox and engine were lying several meters from the car.
What was left of the gearbox...torn from the engine!
And the engine.
As one of the many bystanders commented:
"The only way that this much damage could have been caused
is if the car was dropped from an aeroplane"!
As I walked around the car,
I spared a thought for the driver whom I was convinced has perished.
A close up view of the engine bay,
or what was left of it!
Look at the state of the only wheel still attached to the chassis.
It was at this point I was told that driver had SURVIVED.
Purportedly with no apparent injuries!
I have it on good authority that the driver survived the accident.
She is traumatized but otherwise uninjured.
This from News24:
A woman is in a critical condition after the Audi she was travelling in veered off the road, became airborne and slammed into a sign post, emergency services have said.The incident took place in the early hours of Sunday morning.The woman was found lying behind the wreck of the vehicle. She was taken to Charlotte Maxeke Hospital. "Paramedics treated the woman and immediately initiated advanced life support interventions, in an effort to stabilize her vital signs," said ER24's Russel Meiring.
Is there a message or a lesson that can be taken from this?
Does the bible say that she was a religious person
and that might have contributed to her being saved?
One can argue for and against that statement.
For me, I am totally astounded that anyone
of any religious persuasion would have survived.
These images speak volumes for the safety features
built into the particular model.
And for those, like me, who are wondering how
the accident actually occurred, have a look that this clip:

And that is all I have to say...
Until the next time.