Back on my trusty steed again

I recently posed this question:
"Should graded establishments be required to use double ply toilet paper"?
This came to my attention when I discovered single ply in a public toilet
These were some of the comments I received via my Facebook page.
My responses are in italics

Simon: 2 ply...3 ply....you in the South clearly have not been experiencing the Cameron Regeneration Austerity Package or CRAP for short...here we use whatever is at hand, The Sun, Daily Mail, Telegraph
Me:...Thank you for the international angle After SONA tonight we might not even have toilet paper..

Alan S: 3ply is a constitutional right. Excuse me, David, but.... (Or should that be butt?)
Me: Thanks Alan. I believe that it IS my constitutional right. But then again our rights are in the toilet.

Cathie: are you also debating 'crush vs fold'?
Me: For the purposes of this forum, we are sticking to 1 v 2 ply Cathie.
The other option opens a whole different can of worms...so to speak.

Renchia: Don't worry David I work for a toilet paper manufacturing company in Nelspruit... I will courier you some... please let me have your preference... 2 ply Silky Soft, 1 ply Silky Soft, Premium Delux Soft Virgin, Recycled paper, Semi-Rejects or zimply just cheap recycled rejects...
Me: Thanks Renchia...could I have one of each for research purposes?

Elaine: Wringing my hands. Oh these 1st world conundrums! (Seen a few glorious pit loos on the road.)
Me: Me too Elaine...especially on Kilimanjaro. On my two trips to the summit,
I carried my OWN 2 ply!
- Me: Nicky, not any hotel...every hotel. Local and International.
- Me: Pam, based on your statement, I will NOT fly with this airline.

- Me: Yes it is Anthony...my posting, my rules.
- Me: True enough. Single ply gets used up TWICE as fast.
- Me: Short, sharp and to the point Sharon
- Me: Boo, there was NEVER any doubt in MY mind.
- Me: Mandy, I thought the Mos Def was a rap singer. We are not discussing music here.
- Me: I don't want to let the 1 and 2 star establishments off the hook Moira.
- Make 2 ply the standard!
- Me: Shelly, plumbers are just looking for work. Exercise YOUR right to use 2ply.
- However, I am not referring to home use.
- Me: Drienie, I am scared to answer your statement.
- Me: A serious answer...
- Me: Val, we should all DEMAND 2 ply!
- Me: Sam, Would HE demand 2 ply? I think he would.
- Me: Brooks, this puts you in the 1% of the VERY privileged.
- You should not even be responding to this.
- Me: Jonathan, that is WAY TOO MUCH work. See Cathie's comment re crush v fold.
- Me: Douglas, this we understand...but that is not the point.
- Me: Pierre, where do I send the invoice for advertising YOUR establishment?
- The one that serves the best chocolate croissants west of Jan Smuts Avenue...
- AND has 2ply toilet paper.
- Me: John, on some deep psychological level, probably not

And the next logical debate...
Over or under?

And that is all I have to say...
Until the next time.