Thursday, October 6, 2011

Buckle up...a comment by david batzofin


In most first world countries it is compulsory for ALL occupants of a motor vehicle to have a seat belt in order to properly obey the traffic rules of a particular country...A friend of mine who emigrated to Australia had to buy a new vehicle because the one that his wife used for lift-scheme did not have enough seat belts!
Here in South Africa, it seems to me that we are prepared to kill off our children without a second thought...
Parents get into a vehicle and more often than not the youngsters on the back seat are not buckled up...
Even more concerning...and dangerous is the fact that often front seat passengers will hold a child in their arms...while they themselves arer securely belted in.
Do they actually believe that in the case of an accident they will be able to hang on? If so, perhaps a trip to a casualty ward will cure them of their stupidity...or maybe not
It has been proved that small children become missiles and often leave through the windscreen in the case of an accident...and are either killed or maimed as a result
How would you feel if it was your child? As a parent I know that I would not be able to live with myself...
Yet every day I see parents taking unbuckled children to school, seemingly uncaring or unaware of the potential risks to their passengers.
Can this be remedied?
There are certainly laws that prohibit passengers driving without seat belts but those laws to not seem to be enforced...maybe our local Metro police are too busy soliciting bribes or generally turning a blind eye because of the anarchy that currently exists on South African roads?
Name and shame is my opinion...take photographs and print them in newspapers, put them up at the schools concerned and force the parents to become more aware...
The bottom line is, if you love your child/children you will never start the car without them safely buckled in!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Staircases are not only for fire drills...comment by David Batzofin

A thorny question,posed recently on Face Book asked; " Why is it that people will go to gym, exercise,train,sweat and get fit...yet they will stand and wait for a lift rather than take the stairs"?
This was quickly followed by "People will often look for the closest parking to a Mall entrance, yet they will spend hours shopping or just browsing..."
"Yes I did order a burger with fries...but I had a Diet soft drink"!
WTF you really believe that drinking a diet soda is going to counteract all the fats that you are shoveling down your throat? Maybe, like Denmark and Romania it is time to institute a "fat tax" here in South Africa...

The questions got me reflecting on how lazy our society has become. The building I work in only has a single story, but there is an elevator. Why? Possibly for people to old, lazy or infirm to climb the 21 stairs from the ground floor.
Why is it then that I often find people from the businesses on the first floor patiently waiting for the elevator? And when it comes and they are transported the single floor what do they do...LIGHT UP A CIGARETTE!
I fail to understand that logic...not only are they unhealthy, but they insist on doing as little as possible to get themselves fit!
Personally I believe that employees in a building should be made to take the stairs and compensated with some sort of incentive for completing this task on a daily basis...the more flights of stairs that you climb, the more valuable the incentive...and I am talking proper monetary compensation and not a certificate at an awards evening...("and the award for the most stairs climbed goes to...the envelope please"?)
Come on bosses, fitter employees make better employees! The endorphins produced during exercise is a natural performance enhancing "drug" and should be encouraged...
But I digress...
Can anything be done to dissuade people from using an elevator?
A fire drill...crying wolf is not the object of the exercise
Name and of the guilty parties stuck on the office notice board? But what happens if they do not work in the building?
Cleaning staff...not those with trolleys of cleaning equipment, but those with just a cloth/ feather duster that waste time waiting for the elevator?
Referring to the original question, could the gym not make stairs part of the workout?
If they did that the participants would then have an excuse to use the elevator at the end of the session...
And what about the "close-to-the-door" parkers?
Invariably the parking bays closet to an entrance/exit are handicapped bays, which are abused more often than not by healthy shoppers who don't feel like looking for a parking space.
I have approached such people and inquired politely, why they are using handicapped bays...the answers have varied from " None of your f@&#ing business" to "Handicapped people do not use the bays at night"
I once found someone letting down all four tires of a car parked in such a bay.
The note they left on the windscreen read " Now you are handicapped"!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Chew on this...comment by David Batzofin

What is it with humans and chewing gum?

Ruminants that chew the cud for digestive purposes I can understand, but humans?
Those of us old enough,and I include myself,remember when chewing gum was in fact a currency...
Change at the local cafe was always given in "Chappies" in lieu of the the official tender...
Not only did you have something to chew on, you also got something to chew over...for inside the wrapper were trivia questions and answers.
Therefore, the gum could be seen as educational...well at least that is what I told my parents when I returned without change...
The other major brand of the day was "Wicks", larger and with no educational value at all they tasted like the smell of Wintergreen( or perhaps root beer)... It was the king of Bubble gum as the product was called back then.
There were other brands,like Stimorol that are still around today and who,and I include myself once again, remembers popping a Musk flavoured gum just before a kiss? Or just because the taste was cool...if you had no one to kiss...
But how times have changed...much like the difference between pinball( a sign of a misspent youth) and the video/computer games of today that purport to promote hand/ eye co-ordination!
Now chewing gum is used to promote dental hygiene and keeping your breath fresh all day when you cannot brush...does it work? Who knows but the marketing seems to be working because it seems as if EVERYONE is chewing...CONSTANTLY...and especially sales staff.
And this is really the crux of my rant...
I get really pissed at staff who chew when they interact with me.Swallow the bloody stuff or can employers ban it altogether?
The manager of a local supermarket told me that he makes sure that his staff does not walk around like a herd of cows. But I have been to his store and found staff chewing...
I pose the question...should it be all staff or only those who interact with clients?
At a large discount store ALL the staff that I interacted with were made me want to stand in the middle of the shop and scream "ENOUGH,STEP AWAY FROM THE GUM"!
Could they at least stow it in a cheek while talking to customers?
But I did not react or comment, I paid for my purchase and left.
I am writing this while sitting at my favourite coffee shop and I asked the manager about the group policy on staff and gum...his response.."No gum at all.Neither the staff on the floor or back of house"...and that is why it is my favourite coffee shop!
Although not limited to a particular age group or gender, it does seem to me that young women chew more than their male counterparts...I have not done any scientific comment is based on watching the people in the shopping mall as they walk past me...
Perhaps I am wrong? Maybe! But what I have proved is that we have become a society that is prepared to masticate in public!
Can the scourge be reversed? Compared to global warming and cancer, does it really matter? Perhaps not...
Gary Larson (The Far Side cartoonist) got it right when he gave his animals human perhaps the tables have turned and we as humans are slowly returning to the primordial trait at a time...
With that off my chest it's time to moo(ve) on...
Chew on that!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Look out, here comes a trolley...comment by David Batzofin

Somewhere in a shopping centre near you a new menace has raised it's ugly head...
You might not hear them coming and by the time you do, it will be too late!
What,or who am I talking about?

Crazy shopping cart drivers...
Why is it that the rules that we have to adhere to on the roads not apply in shopping centers?
These manics of the Malls push their carts wherever they feel live and at speeds that often put an F1 driver to shame...
Why can the Malls not have dedicated "cart lanes" to keep the public safe?
There seem to be several types of cart "drivers"...or should that be "pushers"? Although that might be a topic for another Blog...
In no particular order they are:
The "get-out-of-my-way" ... Usually a person who believes that they own the Mall and that everyone must get out of the way...the Mall version of the Blue Light Presidential convoy! I am amazed that shops do not offer them clip on flashing lights and sirens.
The "look-at-me-Mommy"...pushed by small people who have recently learned to walk, or so it seems.Often they are smaller than the cart and as such cannot see where they are going...and,of course, the proud parent does not think to guide them!
The "weaving-window-shopper"...the worst kind! They have no idea where they are going and seem to have all the time in the world to get matter on which side you try to get by, they will block your way...
And finally the "frontal-attack" ...we all know this one...left,right,after you,right,left and they still crash into you...
With the back of my ankles taking the brunt of these interactions, perhaps it is time to start wearing shin guards?
Or perhaps dark glasses and a cane will make these devils of the mall ways steer clear of you?