In most first world countries it is compulsory for ALL occupants of a motor vehicle to have a seat belt in order to properly obey the traffic rules of a particular country...A friend of mine who emigrated to Australia had to buy a new vehicle because the one that his wife used for lift-scheme did not have enough seat belts!
Here in South Africa, it seems to me that we are prepared to kill off our children without a second thought...
Parents get into a vehicle and more often than not the youngsters on the back seat are not buckled up...
Even more concerning...and dangerous is the fact that often front seat passengers will hold a child in their arms...while they themselves arer securely belted in.
Do they actually believe that in the case of an accident they will be able to hang on? If so, perhaps a trip to a casualty ward will cure them of their stupidity...or maybe not
It has been proved that small children become missiles and often leave through the windscreen in the case of an accident...and are either killed or maimed as a result
How would you feel if it was your child? As a parent I know that I would not be able to live with myself...
Yet every day I see parents taking unbuckled children to school, seemingly uncaring or unaware of the potential risks to their passengers.
Can this be remedied?
There are certainly laws that prohibit passengers driving without seat belts but those laws to not seem to be enforced...maybe our local Metro police are too busy soliciting bribes or generally turning a blind eye because of the anarchy that currently exists on South African roads?
Name and shame is my opinion...take photographs and print them in newspapers, put them up at the schools concerned and force the parents to become more aware...
The bottom line is, if you love your child/children you will never start the car without them safely buckled in!
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