I am often told that I tend to "tilt-at-windmills",
over issues that I have no control over.
I admit that I used to...
but every now and again I believe that I need to "RANT"...
This is one such occasion...
Recent strikes within the ranks of the Joburg City Power
led to wide ranging power outages.
The Mayor, Parks Tau...vanished
City Power officials obfuscated...
And 30000 customers were without power.
In our case for 3 days some for as many as 5 or 6.
Businesses lost revenue, food was wasted
and officials could not seem to care less!
And what, I hear you ask, was the cause of these outages?
Unprotected strike action by some workers over new shifts.
And this was instituted in order to cut down on unnecessary and costly overtime.
According to City Mayor Parks Tau,(once he came out of hiding)
in one particular case the basic salary was R400000.00 p.a.
However this individual was taking home R1.2m in overtime.
I would like to know what your job description is to earn that sort of salary!
Consumers were told that although switches had been turned off,
they could not just be switched back on.
There had to be "talks" with the disgruntled unions...
and outside labour was not an option.
Both my wife and I were worried about our Koi.
We had raised them from fingerlings and with a lack of oxygen, they could all die.
Saving them became our top priority...and then we would worry about our food.
So we decided to purchase a generator...
Buying one during an extended power outage is not ideal.
HOWEVER, we were lucky and found one at the local hardware Hyper.
And it was on special!
It did not come with instructions, but I set about trying to put it together anyway.
I reading the parts manual...all written in Chinese translated into English...
most entertaining, but not in this situation!
Surrounded by cables, tools and jerry cans of petrol and oil.
Even my cat wanted to get in on the action.
He likes to become the "foreman" when outside work is being undertaken.
Although we had found the generator easily enough,
finding cans to hold the petrol turned out to be quite a mission.
Eventually we were able to find a couple that suited our purpose.
Just some of the cabling required to keep us(and the Koi) content.
We were also able to get our fridges, computer, TV and some lights working.
And to think that just a few days ago,
I was at Sabi Sabi enjoying the peace and tranquility of a bush break.
Now I am back in Jhb, being woken by the sound of generators...
And there seem to be several in our street.
Just one final thought...
If I was to deduct 3 days off my monthly electricity bill,
how successful do YOU think I would be?
I thought so...
And they call Johannesburg a "world class African city"...
Not for the faint hearted.

As a direct result of the outage,
we cancelled a planned trip to KZN Midlands.
Airlink would have flown us there...
in style and comfort no doubt!